
AI for

EcoBots is a chatbot offering insights on environmental issues, eco-education, and funding for ecological initiatives.

For every 10 questions, we plant 1 tree! 🌳

Powered by data from:

Known brands use LiveChat
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Sarah Gibbs from Grove City College
Grove City College logo
In cooperation with the UN, we are part of an initialtive teaching companies and institutions around the world how to use AI & tech for environmental purposes.


Different AI models for Ecology

We plant 1 🌳 for every 10 questions asked!

Beginning in September 2023, we will embark on a mission to reforest Europe and the Brazilian Amazon, reinforcing our commitment to a greener planet.

Our bot was trained on data of more than 30+ entities

Thank to our partners we were able to create ecobots for free and let users teach themselves and others freely about ecology.


ClimeCo Corporation

Cool Effect



Ecological Building Systems


European Commission

Ormat Technologies

Project Aware

ReVision Energy




Johns Hopkins University

Ecovative Design

Enphase Energy


First Solar

Green Alliance



ClimeCo Corporation

Cool Effect



Ecological Building Systems



Ormat Technologies

Project Aware

ReVision Energy

European Commission

Johns Hopkins University


Ecotelligent Homes

Ecovative Design

Enphase Energy


First Solar

Green Alliance


Funding thanks to EcoBots

EcoBots is featuring options for NGOs, companies, and also individuals who want to benefit the environment. Explain your project to EcoBots, and see what funding opportunities are available to you!

How does EcoBots help the environment?

EcoBots develops artificial intelligence models for ecology. We are currently featuring 3 different ai models: EcoTeacher, EcoFunding and a custom model for our users to use ecobots with their own data.

1. EcoTeacher is our default conversational model that teaches you about ecological steps to take in your daily life and about current environmental concerns.

2. Ecofunding is a custom model for user within the EU to apply to ecological funing programs proposed by the EU, by their county, region, or city.

3. Our custom model is made for users and companies that want to use the ecobots models with their own data.

How can I get funding thanks to Ecobots?

EcoBots proposes different AI models one of them being the EcoFunding. This model allows users to enter information about their current project, company, organization and for the model to give information about the open grants wihtin the EU, or their respective country, region or city. This applies to ecological companies, software, hardware, tech, farmers, and many more types of companies.

What types of funding can I get?

EcoBots gives information about funding for: Agriculture & Rural Development, Culture & Media, Research & Innovation, Environment & Energy, Transport & Infrastructure, Regional & Urban Development, Employment & Social Innovation, Digital & Technology, Education & Training, Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection, Health, Justice & Home Affairs, Youth, Fisheries & Maritime Affairs, External Relations & Foreign Affairs, Development & Cooperation, Enterprise & Industry.

What's the difference between EcoBots, EcoTeacher and EcoFunding

EcoBots is the name of our association. We are a group of people who develop AI models for ecology.

EcoTeacher is a model we developed and that is teacher users about ecological issues and gives plans on actions to take to fight the ecological problems.

EcoFunding is another model of ours that is showing users within the EU what grants and funding opportunities they have.

Can I use EcoBots with my personal/company data?

Ecobots features an AI model that allows users to use the other with their custom data. You can use this feature by getting in touch with the Ecobots team. You can do so by writing a message to